What's the story
It all started a few decades ago, i was a young man embarking on a career in engineering.
I had been into 'HiFi' since my school days and then at university i had sketched out an idea of a new system to decouple and isolate audio equipment which didn’t follow the conventional norms but was founded in solid engineering principles.
At the time the materials i needed to create the hanger system, which we now call our ISOL-X technology, just weren’t available so for a couple of decades the idea simply remained a pipe dream but always at the back of my mind.
Fast forward to 2021and i'm sat in my office showing the first hand-built platform using the ISOL-X system to my wife. Im unable to put her response into print but let's just say that she wasn't a fan of the early aesthetics. However, she is also from a family of engineers so once she'd looked past the slightly unorthodox exterior she could see how this system had the potential to turn isolation on its head!
By 2022 we had made our first proper prototypes for testing and analysis and by that stage we knew we had something very special.
From there AUDITE Acoustics was born and the journey so far has been warp speed compared to those decades waiting for the right material.
'Innovation' is a rather overused word these days and its rare that true innovation comes around but it is clearly apparent in our Brij Nedan audio isolation platform and referred to "a piece of genius" by Phil Dixon of Cheshire Audio.
We've gone on to to create further isolation platforms and products which are built on our firm principles of driving innovation, performance and value. We're in the business of improving sound so our journey is never ending in the pursuit of finding ways of making audio equipment sound even better.